Faced with leaders who lobby for their business unit vs working for enterprise
Has a “me vs we” leadership culture
Seeing a lack of commitment to enterprise initiatives
Lacking a shared leadership purpose
Operating in leadership silos
Experiencing a lack of effective communication
Mindset VI Harmonic Leadership helps leadership teams rethink how they work together, overcome silo perspectives, and move beyond their own specific interests to work as a strong, cohesive, leadership team.
Teach the attributes and behaviours of all six attributes to challenge existing ways of thinking
Create shift in thinking to help individuals to see themselves and their colleagues as equals
Apply shift in thinking to operational model of the business to enhance collaboration and build esprit de corps
Use connection equation (collaboration + coordination = connection) to address systemic obstacles to team cohesion
Work with team to design a self-sustainable system of collaboration, develop long-term processes to implement joint ideas & implement long-term processes
Create a joined up leadership team where all leaders are looking in the same direction working for the benefit of the enterprise.